Lightning-Fast 24-Hour Funding Process

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Get Funded Within 24 Hours

Time is a crucial factor when it comes to securing financing for your business. That’s why our 24-hour funding process is designed to quickly provide you with the funds you need, without any unnecessary delays. Don’t let time-sensitive opportunities slip away—take advantage of our lightning-fast funding process and unlock your business’s potential today!


Meeting the Requirements for Your Unsecured Business Loan

To ensure a smooth and successful application process for an unsecured business loan, it’s essential to understand the key eligibility criteria. These factors serve as a foundation to assess your business’s financial stability and potential for growth.

By meeting these requirements, you’ll be well on your way to securing the funds needed to propel your business forward. Be sure to review the eligibility factors listed on this page to determine if your business is a good fit for an unsecured loan from 121 Brokers.

Active ABN & ID document

A valid Australian Business Number (ABN) and proper identification documents are crucial for establishing your business's legitimacy and verifying your identity. This ensures a secure and transparent application process.

Minimum of 6 months trading

A trading history of at least 6 months demonstrates your business's ability to generate revenue and maintain operations. This minimum requirement helps us assess the stability and potential growth of your company.

Minimum $5,000 monthly turnover

To qualify for an unsecured business loan, your business should generate a minimum monthly turnover of $5,000. This threshold indicates a consistent cash flow, allowing us to gauge your capacity to repay the loan

6 months bank statement

Providing a 6-month bank statement enables us to thoroughly evaluate your business's financial health. This documentation offers insights into your income, expenses, and overall financial management, helping us determine the most suitable loan terms for your needs.

121 Brokers

Experience the 121 Brokers Advantage

At 121 Brokers, our commitment to delivering exceptional service and tailored financial solutions has earned us the trust of businesses across Australia. Here’s why our clients choose us:

Expert Guidance

Our senior account managers have decades of industry experience, ensuring you receive knowledgeable advice and support.

Diverse Loan Options

With a wide range of loan products, we can find the perfect financing solution for your unique business needs.

Fast and Efficient Process

We prioritize efficiency, often securing loan approvals within 24 hours to help your business move forward quickly.

Zero Cost Consultation

Our free consultations ensure you receive expert advice without any upfront costs or obligations.

Credit Score Protection

Our careful approach to loan matching ensures your business credit score remains unaffected during the application process.

Dedicated Customer Service

We work closely with you throughout the entire process, providing personalized assistance and a commitment to your success.
Our Values Our Mission Our Vision
Building Trust Through Integrity and Transparency

At 121 Brokers, we believe that integrity and transparency are the cornerstones of long-lasting client relationships. We uphold these values by providing honest advice, clear communication, and prioritizing the best interests of our clients in every decision we make.

Empowering Businesses to Achieve Sustainable Growth

Our mission at 121 Brokers is to support businesses in their quest for growth by providing tailored financial solutions and expert guidance. We strive to remove barriers to success, enabling companies of all sizes to reach their goals and achieve long-term financial stability.

Becoming a Trusted Partner in Business Success

Our vision is to be recognized as the go-to financial brokerage for businesses seeking personalized, reliable, and effective financing solutions. By fostering strong relationships and delivering exceptional results, we aim to become an indispensable partner in the success story of each client we serve.

Hear from Our Satisfied Clients

Real Stories of Success with 121 Brokers

Quick and Simple Pre-Qualification Process

Check Your Unsecured Loan Eligibility


Discover if you qualify for an unsecured business loan with our easy online form. Get instant feedback on your eligibility without affecting your credit score or any commitment. Let 121 Brokers guide you towards financial success.

Call us any time to discuss loan options

Fastest loan approvals to help you business


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(10am - 05 pm)