About us

About us

Empowering Businesses with Tailored Financial Solutions

At 121 Brokers, we understand the challenges that businesses face when seeking the right financial solutions to fuel growth and overcome hurdles. With the myriad of lenders, products, and services available in the market, it can be overwhelming for business owners to find the best loan options for their unique needs. That’s where we come in.

Our Mission: To simplify the business loan process and provide tailored financial solutions that drive growth and success.

With decades of industry experience, our team of senior account managers specializes in connecting businesses with the most suitable financing options. We deal with dozens of lenders, from traditional banks to innovative fintech companies, ensuring that you receive a customized loan solution that aligns with your business goals and requirements.

121 Brokers

What sets us apart:

At 121 Brokers, we strive to be your trusted financial partner, guiding you every step of the way as you grow and achieve your business goals. Let us help you unlock your business’s full potential. Reach out to our team today and experience the 121 Brokers difference!


Our senior account managers have extensive experience and in-depth knowledge of the financial industry, enabling them to provide the best advice and guidance.

Personalized Approach

We take the time to understand your business’s unique needs and tailor our recommendations accordingly, ensuring the perfect loan match.

Wide Range of Loan Options

Our diverse portfolio of loan products and strong relationships with leading lenders allow us to find the ideal financing solution for your business.

Fast and Efficient Process

Our diverse portfolio of loan products and strong relationships with leading lenders allow us to find the ideal financing solution for your business.

Zero Cost Consultation

We offer free consultations, ensuring you receive expert advice without any upfront costs or obligations.

Customer-Centric Service

Our dedicated team works closely with you throughout the entire process, providing personalized assistance and a commitment to your success.

Want to know how we can help you? Feel free to contact us.
121 Brokers

Experience the 121 Brokers Advantage

At 121 Brokers, our commitment to delivering exceptional service and tailored financial solutions has earned us the trust of businesses across Australia. Here’s why our clients choose us:

Expert Guidance

Our senior account managers have decades of industry experience, ensuring you receive knowledgeable advice and support.

Diverse Loan Options

With a wide range of loan products, we can find the perfect financing solution for your unique business needs.

Fast and Efficient Process

We prioritize efficiency, often securing loan approvals within 24 hours to help your business move forward quickly.

Zero Cost Consultation

Our free consultations ensure you receive expert advice without any upfront costs or obligations.

Credit Score Protection

Our careful approach to loan matching ensures your business credit score remains unaffected during the application process.

Dedicated Customer Service

We work closely with you throughout the entire process, providing personalized assistance and a commitment to your success.

It’s always a joy to hear that the work we do, has positively reviews.

We have spent 9 years working for one of Australia’s most recognised and successful retailers so we have many good review of works.
Our Trusted Business Loan Providers

A Network of Top Lenders to Meet Your Unique Financing Needs

At 121 Brokers, we collaborate with a diverse range of leading business loan providers, from traditional banks to innovative fintech lenders.

Our strong relationships with these financial institutions enable us to negotiate the best terms and rates for your business loan, ensuring a tailored solution that matches your specific requirements. With our extensive network of lenders, you can trust that we will connect you with the ideal provider to fuel your business growth and success.

Hear from Our Satisfied Clients

Real Stories of Success with 121 Brokers


Frequently Asked Questions

Our mission at 121 Brokers is to provide tailored financial solutions that empower businesses to thrive. We believe in transparency, dedication, and a client-first approach to ensure your financial success.
Unlike Secured Business Loans, which require collateral (like property or equipment), Unsecured Business Loans are granted based on your business’s creditworthiness and financial health, without the need for any security.
Our ‘Who We Are’ section provides insights into our unique approach. We prioritize transparency, client relationships, and tailored solutions, ensuring you receive the best financial guidance.
Our team consists of seasoned financial experts dedicated to guiding your business growth. Learn more about our passionate professionals and their expertise on our ‘Who We Are’ page.
Transparency is at the core of our values. Our ‘Who We Are’ page offers a deep dive into our journey, ethos, and commitment to clients, ensuring you have a clear understanding of our approach.
At 121 Brokers, we’re driven by values like dedication, transparency, and a commitment to client success. Our ‘Who We Are’ section elaborates on these principles and how they shape our services.
Our ‘Who We Are’ page provides insights into our team and values. For a detailed overview of our services, you can explore other sections of our website or reach out to our dedicated team for assistance.
Quick and Simple Pre-Qualification Process

Check Your Unsecured Loan Eligibility


Discover if you qualify for an unsecured business loan with our easy online form. Get instant feedback on your eligibility without affecting your credit score or any commitment. Let 121 Brokers guide you towards financial success.

Call us any time to discuss loan options

Fastest loan approvals to help you business


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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)